In many historical references these two geopolitical entities are known as Exterior Manchuria (Russian Manchuria) and the interior of Manchuria, respectively. China's Heilongjiang province, on the south bank of the river bearing his name, as is the Russian Amur Oblast on the north coast. The name of Black River (sahaliyan ULA) was used by the Manchus and the Qing Dynasty who always regarded this sacred river.
The Amur River is a very important symbol - and an important factor in geopolitics - the relations between Russia and China. Love is particularly important in the period following the policy of the Sino-Soviet relations in the 1960s.
For many centuries the valley was populated by Love Tungus (Evenki, Solon, Duch, Nanai, Ulch) and Mongolian (Daur) people, and near its mouth, which Nivkh. For many of them were fishing in the Amur and its tributaries, the main source of their livelihood. Until the 17th century these people were not known to Europeans, and little known to the Chinese, are sometimes collectively described as a wild Jurchen. The term Yupi Dazi ("fish skin Tatars") was used to Nanais and related groups and because of their traditional clothing in fish skin.
The Mongols, in power in China in the Yuan Dynasty, established a small military presence on the Lower Amur 13-14. century, the ruins of a temple dating from the Yuan was excavated near the town of Tyre.
During the Yongle and Xuande (Century 15) of the Ming dynasty in China reached the Amur and in efforts to establish control over the land adjacent to the Ming empire of the North, which was to become later known as Manchuria. Expeditions led by the eunuch came to Tyre Yishiha on several occasions between 1411 and 1430 in the early years, re-build (twice), Temple Yongning and get at least nominal allegiance of the tribes of the Amur lower than the government Ming Dynasty. Some sources also indicate the presence of China in the same period in the center of love, with a strong - a precursor of Aigun later - in fact, for 20 years during the Yongle era of the left (north) bank of Love downstream from the mouth of the Zeya (as opposed to the location of the late Qing Aigun). In any case, the presence of Ming in love was as fleeting as it was tenuous, shortly after the end of the Yongle reign of the dynasty's borders, withdrew to southern Manchuria.
The 17th century saw the conflict for control of the love between the Russian expansion in eastern Siberia and the Qing Empire has increased recently, the original of which was based in southeastern Manchuria. Expeditions led by Russian Cossacks and Vassili Poyarkov Khabarova Yerofey explored Amur and its tributaries in 1643-1644 and 1649-1651, respectively. The Cossacks established at Fort Albazin higher love, the site of the ancient capital of Solon.
At that time, rushed to the Qing conquest of China, but a few decades later, during the reign of Kangxi, they turned their attention to their Manchu court in the North. Aigun was found near the supposed site about Ming. 1683-1684, and military expeditions were sent upstream to drive the Russians, whose privately Albazin Manchu rulers of the tribute Sable Fur Solon Daur area and deliver something else. Albazin fell into a brief military campaign in 1685. Hostilities signed in 1689 by the Treaty of Nerchinsk who left the valley of love, the convergence of the downstream Chilka and Argun, in the hands of Chinese.
The Amur region remained a backwater on the Qing empire for the next half century, with Aigun is virtually the only major city on the River. The Russians again appeared on the river in the middle of the 19th century century, forcing China to allow every country in the north of the river in the Russian Empire by the Treaty Aigun (1858). Land east of Ussuri and lower Amur was acquired by Russia and by the Convention of Peking (1860).
The acquisition of land in the Amur and Ussuri was followed by the migration of Russian settlers in the region and build cities like Blagoveshchensk and, later, Khabarovsk.
A number of steamers of the Amur River, multiplied by the late 19th century. Mining dredges were imported from America to work in gold placer river. Traffic river barges and seriously undermine civil war, 1918-22. German Yangtse gunboats Vaterland Ex-Otter, and the Chinese Nationalist Party, Navy service, patrolled the Amur in 1920.